The Problem With Linking Censorship to Incitement
In any case, I do not share the view that to restrict speech necessarily diminishes the spread of ideas.
A collection of 227 posts
In any case, I do not share the view that to restrict speech necessarily diminishes the spread of ideas.
The main beneficiaries are more likely to be privileged administrators who burnish their bona fides by filling alumni magazines and email blasts with Indigenous photo-ops.
My efforts and motives in instigating Cardinal Conversations, in response to undergraduates’ requests, and in defending the program against the assault upon it were simply ignored.
When you are being targeted by aggression, hostility, and hatred, a natural impulse is to want to fight back as hard as possible, and exact revenge.
It’s easy to decry cancel culture, but hard to turn it back. Thankfully, recent developments in my area of academic specialty—artificial intelligence (AI)—show that fighting cancel culture isn’t impossible.
The fallout has been intense and has gripped the professional commentariat.
Why do philosophers so often uncritically support the conventional views of the time and place in which they find themselves?
Expowering is a transitional measure since you cannot fire your way to equity.
Many nominally democratic political regimes practice de facto censorship in regard to material criticizing their populist rulers.
Though the population is largely white, Squamish has steadily become more diverse in recent years, and now boasts a thriving Sikh community.
The universities are also where rigorous research, science, and valuable knowledge production continues to happen, and it is the universities we will need to push back at this and self-correct.
I also needed to say that they had it all wrong, that the white privilege they were arguing about was actually opportunity and nothing else.
Reasonable debate and discussion then becomes impossible as activists make unfalsifiable but furiously emotive claims about alleged threats to their safety and wellbeing amid much weeping and claims of exhaustion and mental fragility.
Tech companies are not equipped to rule on messy and complex disputes over truth.