Bad Vibrations: The Lies Universities Tell Their Students about Sex
Universities are free to promote sexual experimentation. But they should be honest that pushing norms and boundaries involves making mistakes.
A collection of 127 posts
Universities are free to promote sexual experimentation. But they should be honest that pushing norms and boundaries involves making mistakes.
Anthropology taught me how to spot this instinct. Gender-critical feminists taught me how to stand up to it.
Biological sex in humans is a binary system.
Separation from the mother is an important part of the infant’s psychological development.
There is also a wide range of literature regarding sex differences in interest, which is also complicated, and which may explain a larger portion of the sex discrepancy in STEM careers.
The total value of the sex trade could be said to be the value of the net transfer of wealth from men to women.
Modern trans activists reframed transsexualism/transgenderism as a political problem rather than a clinical problem.
Despite all the harassment to which LGB Alliance already has been subject, the group still got off to a flying start.
More people than ever are pursuing polyamorous, open, or swinging relationships.
Can we not treat trans people as the sex they identify with for almost all purposes, and still make some distinctions when it comes to female-only spaces, services and provisions?
The authors are arguably on firmer ground when discussing the health and well-being of those who perform in pornography.
There was—and will always be—promiscuity, homosexuality, prostitution, fetish culture and adultery—because sex is human.
Epstein’s crimes present an opportunity to consider larger historical, anthropological, cultural lessons about the seemingly endless, whack-a-mole reappearance of men with his obsessions.
The central point of gender self-ID is that you are taking someone to be a woman or a man solely on the basis of what they claim
What contemporary feminism fails to adequately grapple with is nature itself, and as a result, feminist attitudes towards men, and particularly towards male sexuality, are compassionless and punitive (not to mention humourless—and human sexuality is so often very funny!).