The Travesty of the Assange Plea Deal
The complacency of American liberalism has been demonstrated yet again in its inability, or unwillingness, to guard the national interest.
A collection of 89 posts
The complacency of American liberalism has been demonstrated yet again in its inability, or unwillingness, to guard the national interest.
While Reuters reports that the French had ample warning the project was in trouble, the AUKUS announcement and the cancellation of the submarine contract nevertheless took them by surprise.
Anyone who cares about ensuring that the lab-leak hypothesis is taken seriously should probably be thanking me, rather than vilifying me.
Face recognition gives law enforcement this unique authority, this unique power, that does pose risks to our constitutional rights, and this needs to be very closely scrutinized now.
In modern-day China, nationalism is at its strongest when dealing with the idea—almost an article of religious faith—that the independent island nation of Taiwan is in fact a Chinese state and must be unified with the mainland as soon as possible.
Terrorism is ultimately a weapon of the weak. By engaging in threat inflation, we expand the power and prestige of terrorists by allowing them to be more influential than they otherwise might be.
The logic of making Iran’s nuclear program less dangerous via the JCPOA agreement while leaning on the FBI to ignore the crimes of the smugglers that made Iran’s nuclear program so dangerous remains hard to fathom.
Jacques is one of the most enthusiastic boosters of China in the West, and his book aims to show that an increasingly dynamic China will soon lay a claim to global hegemony.
The ideology that inspired this insurrection hasn’t disappeared. Various kings have dealt with the fire of fundamentalism either through granting concessions or enacting purges.
It is “widely recognised,” says the report, “that Russian intelligence and business are completely intertwined".
The US’s hegemonic period, now shrinking, often looked like empire, especially the British version, which it mostly replaced.
The Indian border is only one of the many fronts on which China has been taking advantage of the worldwide economic downturn and political paralysis caused by COVID-19 to move aggressively—an ironic result given the source of the disease.
Protection at the cost of a planned economy and a surveillance state would be no protection at all.
Politicians and the commentariat keep shouting “China is not our friend!” But friendship is a good thing, the most rewarding of all human relationships.