Desperation and the Quest for Control: The Dangers of Alternative Medicine
Contrary to popular opinion, alternative medicine is not always harmless, and when patients use it instead of conventional medical treatment, it can even be deadly.
A collection of 152 posts
Contrary to popular opinion, alternative medicine is not always harmless, and when patients use it instead of conventional medical treatment, it can even be deadly.
No scientific study is perfect and AlShebli et al.’s is certainly no exception.
The Enlightenment was well-named because it led to a greater understanding of ourselves, our society, and our environment, and was accompanied by the rise of the scientific method.
The COVID-related disruptions of schooling have scattered hundreds of millions of children and adolescents across an archipelago of small islands that are not well-suited to fostering modern educational goals.
What is unique about our time is not “the awful spectacle of men dying like sheep,” as Thucydides put it, but the success of scientists in bringing many such spectacles to an end.
It is a sign that the end of the global pandemic may—may—soon be in sight.
The sex difference here is found in hunter-gatherer, pastoral, and agricultural societies, as well as in early empires, developing nations, and the modern world.
A number of additional data irregularities in the USTS raise further questions about the quality of the data.
Dogs are the only domestic species who have been with us since the Pleistocene, which ended 11,500 years ago.
Van Leeuwen and Herschbach wrote a statement on Facebook reiterating that the review process had been carried out properly, and declaring, “Efforts to silence unwelcome opinion… are doing a disservice to the community.”
The prevailing view in the social and behavioral sciences is that human sex differences are typically small in magnitude, largely social in origin, and driven by gender roles (below).
We are entering a strange and unsettling period in the life of universities, and in the sciences, in particular.
What our society is really suffering from is myside bias: People evaluate evidence, generate evidence, and test hypotheses in a manner biased toward their own prior beliefs, opinions, and attitudes.
The activists seeking to eliminate TJ’s meritocratic admissions systems attribute this latter result to systemic racism.
Many of these cultures surely had their share of Elon Musks—beings who wished to colonize other worlds.