Attraction Inequality and the Dating Economy
The future of Western civilization may need brave new institutions and brave new ways for men and women to fruitfully relate to each other.
A collection of 485 posts
The future of Western civilization may need brave new institutions and brave new ways for men and women to fruitfully relate to each other.
We can acknowledge that male and female brains have differences in structure and function, on average, without subscribing to the belief that one sex is better than the other.
For the most influential historians who held positions of power in major French institutions, the French Revolution was not a research topic but an origin myth—the heart of their secular faith’s cosmology.
It would be nice if evil always announced itself and evil people always looked malevolent. Evil, alas, sometimes wears a nicer face. Otherwise it could be fearsome, but not seductive.
Whatever the fate of Trudeau in the wake of this scandal, progressive politicians everywhere should take heed of the larger lesson.
The fact that the new initiative is being led by a gay man, U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, means little to these ideologues. In their narrative, Grenell is either a sellout or a stooge.
The prevalence of Gender Dysphoria is not nearly as high as many activists would have you believe.
To provide 1000 dollars a month to every American citizen today, the headline cost would be about $2.4 trillion a year.
To anyone acquainted with the history and quality of American ed schools, this should come as no surprise.
Students demanding his ouster have difficulty making the essential distinction between a lawyer and his client.
Abbey’s book is just one example in a sea of recent works of literature, film, and music, which romanticize the idea of leaving society behind to live—often alone—close to nature.
Men used to take pride in fighting prowess. Being able to defend yourself and your loved ones was something to celebrate. It was part of your job as a man.
In terms of culture, Afghanistan is the opposite of Sweden.
Concerns about the number of women in STEM are misplaced for three reasons.
It is certainly the case that Rousseau was not an unambiguous friend to the liberal Enlightenment.