The Growth Dilemma
The prospect of stagnating incomes amidst ruinous pension and other costs comprise a toxic cocktail with potentially profound de-stabilizing effects.
A collection of 485 posts
The prospect of stagnating incomes amidst ruinous pension and other costs comprise a toxic cocktail with potentially profound de-stabilizing effects.
As unpleasant as this kind of harsh treatment was, defenders of EITs maintained that it fell short of torture.
Many Western leftists repeated the Ayatollahs’ talking points.
Unlike the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooter or the 2019 Poway synagogue shooter, the suspects in these attacks weren’t white supremacists.
If courage had a face, it would be a slightly overweight, pasty British multi-millionaire drinking a pint.
Live your own life, worry about your own problems, and let others worry about theirs.
Until recently, those seeking transition generally were subject to extensive assessment by mental health practitioners.
The right way to look at anthropogenic climate change is as an unexpected side-effect of something that, by and large, proved an immense blessing to humanity.
A 2012 statistical report profiled a cohort of 34,000 Swedish heterosexual couples who had their first baby in 2000, and followed their progress longitudinally until 2010.
The best cure for progress shame is a rationally optimistic attitude with which we can then push civilisation further forward.
Second Wave feminists didn’t care very much about being nice to those outside of their movement.
No one’s politics is based on deliberative rationality. And no one’s politics is based on science, of course.
Differences that benefit the individual (beauty, intelligence, wealth, initiative) can only be understood as unfair privileges, while differences that do not redound to the individual’s benefit can only be made into disabilities which ultimately perpetuate inequity.
There is also a wide range of literature regarding sex differences in interest, which is also complicated, and which may explain a larger portion of the sex discrepancy in STEM careers.
Blumenthal’s politics are morally repellent and intellectually dishonest and should be exposed as such.