The Debate Over Lab-Grown Meat
Are concerns about cultured meat justified?
A collection of 15 posts
Are concerns about cultured meat justified?
Philosophies of human cruelty, from Sade to October 7th.
The defeat of Hamas is a moral necessity, but that does not obviate Israel’s responsibility to minimize civilian suffering.
Those who demand an end to all suffering at any cost exhibit a utopian foolishness.
On everything from Syrian refugees through Brexit and climate change to so-called gender-affirmative medicine, people take a totalizing approach to disagreement: either you agree with me, or you are despicable.
Adult toddlers throw tantrums for the same reason as children: they desperately want something and have no idea how to get it.
Storytelling is then—in every era and every culture—a dramatization of the everlasting war between the princesses and the tigers.
Our society cannot and will not survive a polity that permits armed children to walk the streets and kill with impunity.
It is difficult to believe in heaven, but it is also difficult not to believe in a heaven.
Your accountability is just your portion of the mob’s.
It is not only religious “zealots” who get obsessed about good and evil. All human beings do.
In terms of moral rules, secular humanism is indistinguishable from a religion.
Suspicious reading is applied to any and every medium as well as every form of individual expression.
When you find yourself in a moral stalemate, where appeals to rationality and empirical reality have been exhausted.
I see very little promise in grounding a moral realism (insofar as such a thing is ultimately a viable project) in terms of evolutionary fitness, and much more promise is taking Harris’ tack.