Jordan Peterson’s Last Trial
While Ontario's College of Psychologists have been censorious and discriminatory, Peterson’s online behavior is worthy of criticism.
A collection of 9 posts
While Ontario's College of Psychologists have been censorious and discriminatory, Peterson’s online behavior is worthy of criticism.
There is little evidence to justify why the provider role has been held in such low regard.
Men used to take pride in fighting prowess. Being able to defend yourself and your loved ones was something to celebrate. It was part of your job as a man.
Introduction — John P. Wright, Ph.D. John Paul Wright is a professor of criminal justice at the University of Cincinnati. He has published widely on the causes and correlates of human violence. His current work examines how ideology affects scholarship. Follow him on Twitter @cjprofman. Thirteen years in the making,
One of my sisters commented that I was so calm she thought the doctors must have given me a Valium.
Younger women are the most left wing in their voting habits and older women the most right wing when we compared voters by age and gender.
It is easy to see what satisfaction the institution of the dependent family gives to all sorts and conditions of men – to the tyrannous man what opportunities to tyranny
Research indicated that improved technological entertainment options, primarily video games, are responsible for between 20 and 33 percent of reduced work hours.
As Hrdy sees patriarchal social practices as being rooted in our ancient evolutionary heritage, she argues that progress towards sex equality should not be taken for granted.