Debate and Disinformation: The Ugly Quarrel Over the UK Government’s Race Report
Most critics have instead based their criticism on the demonstrably false accusation that the report “denied the existence of institutional racism in the UK.”
A collection of 40 posts
Most critics have instead based their criticism on the demonstrably false accusation that the report “denied the existence of institutional racism in the UK.”
There is nevertheless a glimmer of hope—the possibility that, despite recent calamities, we are in fact still living in the Age of Moderation and that this is a blip and not an epochal change
What’s now being sought is a system in which power is exercised by representatives of those who constitute a majority.
The environmental havoc is justified as needed for the economy, but the evidence does not support this claim.
The activists seeking to eliminate TJ’s meritocratic admissions systems attribute this latter result to systemic racism.
Yglesias proposes that the United States ensure its position as global hegemon by tripling its population over the course of this century.
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis tweeted on Sunday. “The borders of Greece are the external borders of Europe. We will protect them.”
It is unforgivable that the rulers of the countries from which citizens are attempting to enter Europe utter not a word when tragedy befalls unseaworthy vessels in the Mediterranean, and they make no effort to have the bodies of the dead returned home.
Immigrants from certain backgrounds—particularly Palestinians, Iraqis and Afghanis—were many times more likely to commit violent crimes than other Norwegians
The chapter on Trans issues is particularly revealing in regard to the way the different “building blocks” of intersectional theory come into conflict with one another.
Ever since, all of Europe—the East as well as the West—has carried the burden of Nazi guilt, as others would have us bear the guilt of North American slavery and Jim Crow.
Migration in the Mediterranean has increased in recent weeks to the highest level since the EU-Turkey deal in March, 2016, and Greece is back to being the main entry point for hopeful migrants.
Immigration restrictions, like tariffs and other restrictions on trade, affect the activities of citizens above all.
The enormous level of immigration to the United States has actually done little to change the overall demographics of the country over the past 20 years.