Human Rights
A collection of 92 posts
Bloody Harvest—How Everyone Ignored the Crime of the Century
The Free-Speech Problem on Australian Campuses Is More CCP than SJW
After years of austerity measures implemented by conservative governments, Australia’s publicly-funded higher-education sector is barely solvent.
Denial and Defamation: The ITN-LM Libel Trial Revisited (II)
The more someone invests in a lie, the more painful it becomes to renounce.
Denial and Defamation: The ITN-LM Libel Trial Revisited (I)
And those who continue to protest the trial’s outcome invariably do so as part of an implicit—and frequently explicit—attempt to invalidate the reckoning with Living Marxism’s record of defamation and denial that the trial was intended to provide.
Frederick Douglass, The Columbian Orator, and the 1619 Project
This vision of universal human rights based on our common humanity was the common ground shared by these two antislavery giants in American history, and it is the common ground now renounced by the 1619 Project.
Polyamory Is Growing—And We Need To Get Serious About It
More people than ever are pursuing polyamorous, open, or swinging relationships.
The New York Post Whitewashes the Plight of Egypt's Copts
The least we should expect from Western Christians is that they refuse to become accomplices in our persecution.
Male-Bodied Rapists Are Being Imprisoned With Women. Why Do so Few People Care?
It appears that common sense is forgotten once the words “gender identity” are invoked.
How the Trans-Rights Movement Is Turning Philosophers Into Activists
Can we not treat trans people as the sex they identify with for almost all purposes, and still make some distinctions when it comes to female-only spaces, services and provisions?
Yaniv’s Other Racket: How a Single Gender Troll Managed to Get 'Hundreds' of Women Thrown Off Twitter
The larger discussion of how trans rights and women’s rights will be reconciled in coming years lies beyond the scope of this article.
The Rise of ‘Drag Kids’—and the Death of Gay Culture
There was—and will always be—promiscuity, homosexuality, prostitution, fetish culture and adultery—because sex is human.
Is Liberal Immigration Anti-Democratic?—A Reply to Gadi Taub
Immigration restrictions, like tariffs and other restrictions on trade, affect the activities of citizens above all.
Human Dignity and Human Rights
But it does mean that arbitrary factors, such as whether one is born into a wealthy family or happens to be part of some historically elevated demographic, should not determine where people end up
Canada's Treatment of Indigenous Peoples Was Cruel. But Calling It an Ongoing 'Genocide' Is Wrong
The crime of genocide is typically investigated and litigated with the goal of holding genocidaires accountable for their crimes.