Nazis: A Modern Field Guide
In the spirit of the Handbook on German Military Forces, I offer readers this brief field guide to the various kinds of “Nazis” who inhabit the world of 2018.
A collection of 341 posts
In the spirit of the Handbook on German Military Forces, I offer readers this brief field guide to the various kinds of “Nazis” who inhabit the world of 2018.
With the release of their extraordinary documentary film The Rescue, Alvaro and his younger brother Boris haven’t just faced up to their clan’s history. They have turned it into high art.
The main problem with the quest for purity is that it is fine in one’s own home or church but it becomes a problem in the public square, which—by virtue of being inherently diverse and competitive—is configured to resist the wish to be pure.
The new humanities maintain that for the last 500 years, Western Civilisation has got it wrong when it comes to knowledge, truth and science.
We can learn far more from the files still under wraps in Russia and Belarus.
The response to my posters shows that the phrase ‘female sex’ is on its way to being classified as ‘hate speech.’
For Kagan, the architects of the post-war order sought to wed America’s new-found superpower to the construction of a world order that reflected the domestic values of America itself: a liberal international order.
Christianity’s moral vision was not as revolutionary as a casual student of history might suppose. Nor did it equip Western society with a unique set of virtues that were unknown to the ancient world.
Historically, it has been the European openness not only to foreign goods, but also foreign ideas – those which work, those which enhance our physical and mental wellbeing – that has signalled the forward march of modernity.
Chen’s portrait of the Opium War places the role of British traders and their lobbying efforts in the foreground
What is it about humans that makes democratic norms stick? What are the traits that facilitate honesty and transparency in administration at the highest levels?
Quebec briefly played host this summer to a theatrical production described by one prominent artist as “reminiscent of blackface minstrel shows.”
Boycotts, de-platforming and witch hunts do “succeed” in the narrow sense that they can ruin lives. But they don’t change anyone’s privately held opinions.
Britain has produced a Brexit debate that is utterly dry, sterile, and completely lacking in imagination.
More than anywhere else, hope exists in environmental restoration and a healthy international credit.