Reassessing the Guidance on Face Masks
Overly broad masking requirements are at best useless, and possibly harmful, since they can cause confusion and prompt at least some to rebel against masking if the practice is too onerous or impractical.
A collection of 165 posts
Overly broad masking requirements are at best useless, and possibly harmful, since they can cause confusion and prompt at least some to rebel against masking if the practice is too onerous or impractical.
Even prior to the pandemic, Barclays was predicting that the alternative-meat industry could grow ten-fold by the end of the next decade.
At the time of writing, New Zealand had reported just three new cases of COVID-19 in nine days.
Much of the prognostication about the future’s outlines, especially the more dire forecasts, assume that we will change, or be changed, greatly. But will we?
Given a choice between closing the mall to everyone or opening it and refusing entry to a few with an alert on their app, which is better?
The current crisis has highlighted the risks associated with untamed uncertainty, as well as those associated with under- or overestimating the impact of measures intended to combat COVID-19.
If we can overcome the taboos surrounding HCTs, they can become a game changer in combating the coronavirus and limiting its ruinous effects on countless lives.
Now, both its political class and its people face a much harder road—a hard, narrow, and stony one, to end a dependence sapping both Italy and Europe.
This negative narrative around men risks exacerbating the gender empathy gap, part of a wider unconscious bias against men, recently identified as an aspect of gamma bias.
Ever wonder why a man that builds computers, both predicted the pandemic two months before it happened, is suddenly featured on the news every day instilling fear into hearts of Americans, and is now demanding that nothing be reopened until vaccines are mandated?
In Pepys’s time a scarlet cross on the door denoted an infected household and sentinels stood guard outside to keep people inside.
Most people were now wearing masks, and a few were obviously nervous about inadvertently drifting too close.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has become the public face of such anxiety disorders.
If anyone bothers to look, there will probably be disparities between Catholics and Protestants.
The language of the social justice Left began appearing in diversity statements at even the most elite schools.