After the Virus: The Way We Live Next
Much of the prognostication about the future’s outlines, especially the more dire forecasts, assume that we will change, or be changed, greatly. But will we?
A collection of 126 posts
Much of the prognostication about the future’s outlines, especially the more dire forecasts, assume that we will change, or be changed, greatly. But will we?
It’s been fuelled, on both sides, by the presumption that government decrees work as a sort of magic wand that will bring our economies (and perhaps the most acute phase of the pandemic) back to life.
The mind abhors a vacuum of explanation. So when gaps in knowledge open up, the empty spaces are filled with available explanations that, however implausible, seem morally compelling.
Given a choice between closing the mall to everyone or opening it and refusing entry to a few with an alert on their app, which is better?
The bar for opening the door and going outside is simply going to be set much higher.
No animal on Earth is treated with more inhumanity than chickens, and this industrial cruelty has in turn made chickens and other birds one of the gravest threats to our health.
The current crisis has highlighted the risks associated with untamed uncertainty, as well as those associated with under- or overestimating the impact of measures intended to combat COVID-19.
ICU nurses are some of the true heroes of this pandemic.
If we can overcome the taboos surrounding HCTs, they can become a game changer in combating the coronavirus and limiting its ruinous effects on countless lives.
The public-health policies that are put in place in coming years will affect our ability to withstand the next pandemic.
Freedom of the press is a fundamental human right and a key pillar of democracy.
Now, both its political class and its people face a much harder road—a hard, narrow, and stony one, to end a dependence sapping both Italy and Europe.
As COVID-19 suffocates the global economy, borders remain closed, and tensions mount between EU countries, the US and China, etc., Fukuyama’s critics are taking the opportunity to dismiss the “The End of History?” while ignoring its basic premises.
In the absence of any comprehensive database of COVID-19 superspreading events, I built my own.
This negative narrative around men risks exacerbating the gender empathy gap, part of a wider unconscious bias against men, recently identified as an aspect of gamma bias.