Holbrooke and the 68ers
Our Man tells a tidier story than The Unwinding because it focusses on one man, and the analogy between Holbrooke and the country he served holds up remarkably well throughout the book.
A collection of 146 posts
Our Man tells a tidier story than The Unwinding because it focusses on one man, and the analogy between Holbrooke and the country he served holds up remarkably well throughout the book.
Like all competitive industries, contracting evolved and became heavily corporate in nature, leaving the cowboy conduct behind in 2006, but retaining the cowboy image for sex appeal.
For the most part, the Great Firewall (GFW) is irrelevant for the average Chinese citizen, mostly irrelevant for most Chinese netizens, and for many of the rest it protects their ability to make money.
Opposition to the regime is not just to be found in the clergy. It is wide and deep but also unfocused.
Many Western leftists repeated the Ayatollahs’ talking points.
Blumenthal’s politics are morally repellent and intellectually dishonest and should be exposed as such.
It is unforgivable that the rulers of the countries from which citizens are attempting to enter Europe utter not a word when tragedy befalls unseaworthy vessels in the Mediterranean, and they make no effort to have the bodies of the dead returned home.
If we are going to contribute our talent and effort to causes as volunteers, we should do so mindfully, as we should with the rest of the choices in our lives, such as whom we choose as lovers or friends.
The protests went on for a few weeks, until the regime successfully repressed them with a violent crackdown, but economic conditions only worsened.
The explosion happened three blocks away, but the sound had become so familiar that I went back to sleep without even getting out of bed to check on my twins.
Chilean middle class has seen its fortunes becomes more precarious, with many families staying afloat only through borrowing.
Most Chinese farmers are still quite poor by western standards, or those of their city-mouse kin.