Time for Less Long-Term Thinking About China
Normalization of US-Chinese diplomatic relations in turn led to the biggest exercise in corporate continence in American business history.
A collection of 146 posts
Normalization of US-Chinese diplomatic relations in turn led to the biggest exercise in corporate continence in American business history.
As the US was convulsed by the Floyd protests and violence in 2020, the Chinese foreign minister had the gall to denounce the “systemic and persistent existence” of repression of “people of color.”
Hungarian politics is usually much less ideological than you think.
The poor and unemployed have demonstrated that their patience is limited and that they are a keg of dynamite waiting to go off.
A week before the massive protests erupted in Cuba, I was celebrating Fourth of July at a friend’s house in Oakland, California, and listening to her tell me stories about her adventures there. She is a Jewish red diaper baby and today seems to identify as some sort of
Anyone who cares about ensuring that the lab-leak hypothesis is taken seriously should probably be thanking me, rather than vilifying me.
Taking advantage of the post-pandemic era may start with securing national health but will depend over time on creating better conditions for adaptive grassroots businesses.
Taiwan’s COVID response will likely be remembered as one of the world’s best.
The ongoing pandemic is reshaping the geography of our planet, helping some areas and hurting others. In the West, the clear winners have been the sprawling suburbs and exurbs, while dense cores have been dealt a powerful blow. The pandemic also has accelerated class differences and inequality, with poor and
Many Finnish soldiers felt pity for their opponents, prodded into battle by merciless commissars.
Europe has benefited greatly from the fact that the dominant power for the past 75 years has been a liberal democracy—a flawed liberal democracy, no doubt, but a liberal democracy all the same.
Crimes, no matter how heinous, cannot be passed onto the progeny like some modern variant of the original sin, condemning them to unending purgatory.
A long-ago speech by a foreign dignitary may hold the key to recovering some lost wisdom about how America came into this role in the first place.
The Ethiopian government has attempted to maintain total control of the narrative by locking down the region and imposing a communications blackout.
The pandemic has done much to undermine the basis for urban supremacy.