Individuals and Symbols
Whenever a political movement ceases to see people as individuals, and rather sees them as symbols of a class, violence usually follows.
A collection of 146 posts
Whenever a political movement ceases to see people as individuals, and rather sees them as symbols of a class, violence usually follows.
The deliberate downplaying of dissent for both Persian and English language audiences is indicative of an attempt to fool Iranians back into submission at a time when the regime has never been more anxious about its survival.
What can we do about China’s potential future ability to harm American politicians through influencing Internet companies that operate in both China and the United States?
Venezuelans have been voting with their feet to escape the ruin the regime has inflicted on them.
Chinese genocidal hatred against the Japanese simply cannot be dismissed as the bigotry of a nationalist fringe movement.
Realism’s central premise is that relations between states can be explained by the distribution of power in the international system.
The failure of pundits to discern between democratic socialism and Nordic social democracy is not for a lack of transparency on the part of DSA.
If Dugin’s ideas are realized, not just by his tiny sect of Russian nationalism, but by waves of emergent nationalism elsewhere, what will be our moral defense?
Enacting policies that provide additional border control isn’t a problem in and of itself. Immigration policies are only a problem if and when they go too far.
The rising popularity of a genre known for its politically subversive content and heavy use of profanity clearly unnerved some of the more staid.
Most Chinese and many Western analysts still mistakenly think, however, that China is heading toward a golden future under the current regime.