Rethinking Abortion Advocacy
Arbitrary doesn’t mean random and it doesn’t mean cruel.
A collection of 78 posts
Arbitrary doesn’t mean random and it doesn’t mean cruel.
The debate over the morality and legality of abortion is one of the most divisive and enduring issues in American public life.
Men (and, less often, women as well) across societies all over the world have used violence in an attempt to control women’s reproductive outcomes and limit the choices available to them, and in many circumstances, men have benefited from doing so.
When we are told that 46, XY males with DSD who identify as female are simply “women with hyperandrogenism,” or “women with high T,” we aren’t fooled.
Concerns about the number of women in STEM are misplaced for three reasons.
Women’s publications have tried to convince women they can be just like men, instead of celebrating femininity and what makes women wonderfully unique.
As revealed in the documentary, this view takes an emotional toll on dark women, who are discriminated against in all sorts of ways.
Younger women are the most left wing in their voting habits and older women the most right wing when we compared voters by age and gender.
Alternative explanations that focus on the freely made choices of men versus women are usually spoken of only in hushed tones.
Reconciling the two official gender narratives requires threading a needle fine enough to separate matters of personality and identity from preferences for how one spends a large portion of their waking hours.
Since I made my story public, Goldstein has tried to suggest that he is the true victim, and that he was bullied into apologizing to me (“a decision I now retract”).
Women have acquired unprecedented sexual, economic, and political freedom in the span of a few short generations.
For those who believe that gender is a social construct, and there are no differences between men and women’s brains, this paper is something of a reality check.
But the truth is, these women are not 'free' of the children they yearn for. Motherhood is a burden that we would give anything to bear.
Women can be victims. In this world, there are violent, exploitative people willing to use and abuse their fellow human beings.