I May Have Gender Dysphoria. But I Still Prefer to Base My Life on Biology, Not Fantasy
For the rest of society to acquiesce to this lie is not only a betrayal of science, but of democracy.
A collection of 78 posts
For the rest of society to acquiesce to this lie is not only a betrayal of science, but of democracy.
Some women do marry men with less education, though. These women tend to marry men who earn more than them.
We all need role models. Role models can do wonders to our lives. But, please, let’s choose them for their qualities—not their gender.
In my pre-feminist days, sexual harassment and rape were so common, so pervasive, so accepted, that they were virtually invisible.
A tragic early death can do wonders for a writer’s reputation. On October 27, Google dedicated its search page to the late Sylvia Plath, who would have turned 87 that day, had she not taken her own life, at the age of 30, back in 1963. It seems unlikely
Misogynist thinking and actions exist in America today but not only among right-wing conservatives. It is also flourishing among our media and academic elites.
Can we not treat trans people as the sex they identify with for almost all purposes, and still make some distinctions when it comes to female-only spaces, services and provisions?
Renoir’s nudes are the evidence of a tirelessly hopeful soul struggling against the dingy reality of the modern world, with its modern industry and its modern warfare, that turns all human flesh into disposable objects, without joy or humanity.
A UBI system would do far more than any other policy proposed by the current set of Democratic candidates to reduce the vulnerability of such women.
A birth away from hospital can be seen as a feminist act of resistance. But it’s not a form of resistance I want to join.
As global violence against women gained horrendous momentum, many Western feminists became increasingly afraid to criticize that violence lest they be condemned as colonialists and racists.
Dr Phyllis Chesler has never been afraid to be unpopular.
Transgender convicts receive treatment from other prisoners that correlates to how attractive they are.
Many liberals—including feminists and lesbians—have been cowardly in calling out this noxious phenomenon, for fear of being called transphobes.
Moreover, the conclusion that harassment drives women from physics contradicts publicly available data on the progression of women in physics careers.