Misreading a Flawed Study
Vaccination against UTIs is a novel idea that holds enormous promise, but clinical trials must be well-designed and carefully analysed.
A collection of 13 posts
Vaccination against UTIs is a novel idea that holds enormous promise, but clinical trials must be well-designed and carefully analysed.
Overselling Covid vaccines during the pandemic has backfired and played into the hands of the anti-vaccine movement.
The malaria vaccine may well help reduce deaths, but we should not exaggerate its efficacy.
The following transcript comes from an interview for Iconoclast: Ideas that have Shaped the Culture Wars. It was conducted by Mark Halloran with Eric Topol on October 14th, 2021. Mark Halloran is Editor of Iconoclast. He holds a PhD in biochemistry and a BA in Behavioural Science. Eric Topol is
Some of the people who are refusing the life-saving COVID vaccine are alienated from mainstream institutions, which they view as house organs of the political Left rather than trustworthy arbiters of truth.
Americans turned on their radios, department stores set up loudspeakers, and judges suspended trials so that everyone in the courtroom could hear what Francis was about to say.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused massive backtracking and spin-doctoring among progressive parties over bioengineered vaccines.
Vaccine technology has sped ahead, serving the critical function to break the link between infection and poor outcomes.
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay interviews ABC presenter and podcaster Josh Szeps about Australia’s unique experience in managing the COVID pandemic—and the urban legends the country’s quarantine system has spawned among right-wing pundits on the other side of the world.
In many parts of the world, the anti-vaccination cause is now closely associated with the right-leaning side of the political spectrum.
The evidence that mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines are safe, and that they work, is about as solid as medical evidence gets.
While all the major vaccines have been deemed safe and effective, they are increasingly talked about as though they are different.
The politicization and generation of narratives surrounding the coronavirus (and ensuing governmental responses) funneled information flow into partitions based on political affiliation.