Harvard’s Flawed Response to Ronald Sullivan Joining Weinstein’s Defense Team
Students demanding his ouster have difficulty making the essential distinction between a lawyer and his client.
A collection of 26 posts
Students demanding his ouster have difficulty making the essential distinction between a lawyer and his client.
Historically, the decolonize movement is often highly selective in which facts it chooses to highlight.
Complaint sometimes reflects an honest desire to be able to ask the unaskable, speak the unspeakable, and ponder the imponderable.
The lack of viewpoint diversity among college and university faculty gives further reason for scholars to be concerned about pursuing and attempting to publish “controversial” ideas.
The historical parallel between Jews and Asians is striking for a number of reasons—including the fact that both cases involve an explicit rejection of the idea that academic merit alone could be a tenable basis for admission.
Last year, Google engineer James Damore was fired after an internal memo he wrote was leaked to technology website Gizmodo, causing an uproar within the company.
When speakers need police escort on and off college campuses, an alarm bell should be going off that something has gone seriously awry.
Notes from the recent Heterodox Academy conference.
A colleague of mine in the economics department once said, “when the price of bullshit is zero, demand is inelastic.
Why would people take academics’ more ridiculous pronouncements so seriously, or seriously at all in the case of communication studies departments?
Understanding these mechanisms can hopefully produce a broader sense of how ideologically motivated people are able to acquire and wield so much power.