Sandinista! The US Left and Nicaragua
However, recent events in Nicaragua have caused stirrings of unease among many of Ortega's previously loyal US supporters, and in some cases, strident criticism.
A collection of 23 posts
However, recent events in Nicaragua have caused stirrings of unease among many of Ortega's previously loyal US supporters, and in some cases, strident criticism.
As the US was convulsed by the Floyd protests and violence in 2020, the Chinese foreign minister had the gall to denounce the “systemic and persistent existence” of repression of “people of color.”
The problem isn’t just the number of ventilators and ICU beds, but also the limited number of staff who can operate such equipment.
The logic of a Harris candidacy rests on her coalition-building skills.
The enormous level of immigration to the United States has actually done little to change the overall demographics of the country over the past 20 years.
We should be promoting a response that saves lives, defends human freedom, acknowledges our responsibilities, and honours our liberal history.
Make no mistake, we should be wary of the effects that beliefs might have.
There can be no doubt that the current American political landscape is characterized by polarization and extremism in many forms.