Revenge of the Silent Male Voter
What I learned about Trump’s landslide victory from one night in New York City.
A collection of 10 posts
What I learned about Trump’s landslide victory from one night in New York City.
Quillette readers Joe Benning and Charles N.W. Keckler give their responses.
The survival of the American Republic might just depend upon it.
The open question is whether a critical mass of Americans actually want civility, bipartisanship, and moderation.
It is always tempting to portray one’s political opponents as consumed by some inveterate flaw or social contaminant that marks them as fallen creatures.
A conversation with Jamil Jivani.
The CPAC crowd loved Trump’s message—not his theatrics or his celebrity, but his message—and the fervent reaction to him far out-stripped that of every other speaker, including the many White House hopefuls who sought the GOP nomination in 2012.
While Hanson is good in setting out the causes of Trump’s victory, he falls short when it comes to making recommendations for the future.
The fact that the new initiative is being led by a gay man, U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, means little to these ideologues. In their narrative, Grenell is either a sellout or a stooge.
The incident at The Griffin presents a case study in how relatively small groups of activists can now leverage their power on social media.