Spinning the Tavistock Story
Activists are twisting the closure of Tavistock as a win for gender ideology.
A collection of 73 posts
Activists are twisting the closure of Tavistock as a win for gender ideology.
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks to Port Townsend, WA-area swimmer Julie Jaman, the octogenarian whose efforts to keep biological men out of a changing area reserved for girls and women led to accusations of transphobia, a visit with the police, multiple town-council debates, and an ongoing Twitter campaign called
We’ve lost sight of a basic feminist insight: To be gender ‘non-conforming‘ isn’t unusual. It’s perfectly normal.
‘This nagging feeling that she had an unfair advantage arose every time we hit each other in practice. For me, it was like hitting a brick wall.’
Apparently, selling mugs and shirts that glorify violence against ‘TERFs’ is just fine. But ‘I 💜 J.K. Rowling‘? That‘s hate speech.
The comedian's new Netflix special has its weak spots. But when it comes to goring gender ideology's sacred cows, no one does it better
The White House is claiming that the debate about childhood gender medicine is settled—even as numerous international experts are coming forward to say it‘s not.
Some men are re-identifying as men immediately upon release from women’s prisons.
The White House has denounced a new Florida law as “cruel” and “harmful.” In an interview with CNN, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, the first openly gay cabinet member in American history, agreed that the law is “dangerous.” His husband Chasten, a best-selling author, was even more emphatic, declaring that
In the debate about the wisdom of medicalised gender change for the young, there is a common refrain meant to expose the moral panic and ignorance of sceptics. No young person, we are told, gets any medical intervention before puberty. This may be true, but it obscures the more telling
How many trans-identified children “desist”? That is, how many identify as transgender for a time, and then eventually stop doing so, prior to medical intervention (as distinct from detransitioners, who return to identifying with their natal sex after undergoing some form of medical transition)? The answer is that no one
Next week, I am taking my university to court. To my knowledge, it is the first time an academic institution has been forced, at trial, to justify why it prioritises trans rights over women’s rights. The other party in the case is the University of Bristol, which one might
In the past, we were told that people who were transgender had a deep-seated psychiatric disorder, which no longer is the prevailing view, but for many years it was, which was why so many trans people feel traumatized, especially adult trans people, who were basically told they were crazy.
It’s wrong to make everyone wait for proof of the obvious when it comes to genetic males outperforming genetic females.
While many of us are lazy and gullible in our ideological commitments, pledging allegiance to faddish notions so that we may be seen as enlightened, such vanities tend to fall away once we see evidence that proves we’ve been duped.