The Auckland Mobbing of Kellie-Jay Keen Was Fuelled by Media-Peddled Misinformation
Why are journalists at Stuff, The Spinoff, and other New Zealand outlets promoting propaganda on behalf of trans-rights activists?
A collection of 73 posts
Why are journalists at Stuff, The Spinoff, and other New Zealand outlets promoting propaganda on behalf of trans-rights activists?
An April 17 Quillette article about sex and gender by MIT scholar Alex Byrne prompted yet another round of debate and denunciation among his contemporaries.
Dissecting a lengthy YouTube attack on gender-critical feminists
In a recorded DEI session on ‘Trans Inclusion,’ activist Adrienne Smith told the dissenting staff member, ‘I’m past the point of seeking a respectful debate.’
The violent treatment of Kellie-Jay Keen betrays the fanaticism and misogyny that has infected progressive gender politics.
A philosopher breaks down the debate over how to treat male criminals who self-identity as women.
Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with James Esses, an aspiring British therapist who was expelled from his training institute for voicing concerns about ideologically programmed restrictions on the care of trans-identified youth.
Nicola Sturgeon championed a policy of letting biological men into protected female spaces. Now she’s paying the price for her dangerous folly.
With a biologically male athlete poised to break a Canadian women’s record, it’s time for the sport’s leaders to acknowledge the reality of sexual dimorphism.
Faddish forms of self-identification often reflect subjective feelings that shift over time. Let’s stop treating them as sacred truths.
Intended as an expression of trans rights, the fracas instead illustrated why many LGB feminists want to escape their ‘forced teaming’ with trans activists.
A frightening injury at an NHL-sponsored transgender tournament in Wisconsin reminds us why women’s leagues should remain sex-protected spaces.
The New York Times and Guardian are the latest progressive institutions to scrutinize the safety of so-called ‘gender-affirming’ medical interventions.
In an extraordinary new book, Shannon Thrace describes her disintegrating marriage to a man consumed by narcissism and gender dysphoria.
As a biologically male player continues a meteoric rise on the female circuit, women are starting to speak out.