On Victimhood and Culture—A Reply to Aaron Hanna
The idea that whites were in the house while blacks were sweating in the fields despising them is comfortable to us today as we look upon the context as a whole and justly revile it.
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The idea that whites were in the house while blacks were sweating in the fields despising them is comfortable to us today as we look upon the context as a whole and justly revile it.
This month brings us the release of Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. No, not the film. That came out in 2019. But now HarperCollins is publishing a novelization, written by Tarantino himself, and based on the earlier film. This particular type of fiction—the bastard offspring
Hypergamy is an evolved sexual strategy where individuals mate with and/or marry those most capable of providing long term security. It is the act of marrying up.
Gen Z’s simultaneous distrust of government and gravitation towards social democracy is therefore not paradoxical, it is causal—the embrace of socialist-lite policies is a consequence of distrust of the prevailing liberal establishment.
How can you expect population parity in an enterprise when there are some groups (Asians? Jews?) who are significantly overrepresented?
Moving from Cain and Abel to Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, with some Egyptian myths thrown in, he reconnects his young audience to the religious tradition that was always theirs to inherit, but from which they have been estranged by their modern education.
Digital media, by contrast, had hardly any paying customers and lured advertisers with fleeting “impressions” and “engagement,” launching a no-holds-barred race to attract eyeballs.
Once you sweep aside all the glitter showers, animated unicorns, and rainbow emojis, that is ultimately what gender supremacism is truly about.
Perhaps if black conservatives offered a more nuanced “vision” of the respective roles of individuals and governments in addressing racial inequality, the black community would be less receptive to the anti-racist narrative that conservatives so vehemently denounce.
If you’re willing to endure the painful trial of self, you will be better for it in the end. And, with enough of us, the world will be better, too.
People joining a political movement don’t usually consider its logic or consequences; they react to an injustice or grievance.
Teenagers are being told that puberty is a time for them to make decisions about sex and gender, this at a time when they have none of the life experience that would be necessary to make such existential choices.
The sadly deflating truth of the matter is that it can take a good few years before children begin to apprehend what fathers are good for.
The authors all but ignore the science to focus on what they believe is more important—the ideological framing of the issue in socio-cultural discourse.