The Death of Political Cartooning—And Why It Matters
Many nominally democratic political regimes practice de facto censorship in regard to material criticizing their populist rulers.
A collection of 1205 posts
Many nominally democratic political regimes practice de facto censorship in regard to material criticizing their populist rulers.
A great many Americans held their noses to vote for Trump, whom they saw as the lesser evil.
Vasectomies were illegal in France up until 2001. A Napoleonic code which forbade self mutilation was applied to vasectomies used for contraception.
The events of 2020 have caused precisely these sorts of setbacks in global collective human progress.
The only examples of ready mergers in humans bring to mind the captive chimps or fugitive monkeys.
One can still sell people smartwatches, and create “new needs” for people who have already established lives of comfort.
The fact that higher education is suffering from the pandemic is not surprising—every sector has been affected one way or another.
Allergic to narrow-mindedness, poor taste, and moral arrogance, Ellison detested any kind of racial essentialism, separatism, and determinism.
Anyone who sought to attend class, go to the dining hall, or even turn in schoolwork was denounced as a “scab,” and often faced acts of bullying.
The very idea of “a dichotomous sex-classification system” is dubious, the authors believe.
For many established religious institutions, the pandemic threatens to exacerbate an ongoing retreat from organized religion.
The income gap between white and black women, meanwhile, is much narrower than the gap between their male counterparts.
North American Jews needed time to absorb the scope and originality of the horror they had been spared.
Though the population is largely white, Squamish has steadily become more diverse in recent years, and now boasts a thriving Sikh community.