Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking
It is not hopeless. A recent analysis of research on college graduates suggested that attending college appreciably increased their critical thinking capacity.
A collection of 1205 posts
It is not hopeless. A recent analysis of research on college graduates suggested that attending college appreciably increased their critical thinking capacity.
As wide as the partisan gaps are concerning illegal immigration and free trade, none can compare to those on environmental protection and global warming.
While there is likely a modest link between violent crime and single parenting, Faust and Manning are wrong about the benefits of a father-figure.
In A Critique of Anti-Racism, I offer empowerment theory as a framework for anti-racist work, whether it is activism or pedagogy.
As recent studies have shown, these advantages generally don’t go away simply because an athlete has changed their pronouns and hormone chemistry. At the highest levels, the difference between male and female world records typically hovers around 10 percent.
This mindset is nigh-incomprehensible to people of The Narrative who are used to being guided by a single source of truth enforced by social consensus.
The public debate around COVID-19 has too often centred on the question of whether a certain set of measures, usually classified as lockdowns, are or are not effective.
Rationalists, in short, are a group of people who picked up the liberal, academic, philosophical traditions of Western civilization when institutions like the New York Times decided to abandon them.
The pandemic has done much to undermine the basis for urban supremacy.
If heaven needs to be segregated, what hope does Earth have?
The great conflict within the Left during the 19th century was between anarchist and statist visions for socialism (this was the bone of contention between Bakunin and Marx, and for many revolutionaries long after).
It is an attack on the free reporting of information if context no longer matters, and it is an attack on education if a respectful discussion about language itself risks dismissal.
We have to make ourselves equal. No one can do it for us.
The only way students can resist this commodification of their identities is by occupying an unsafe space—getting an education that will encourage them to escape what they think they already are.
In our hyper-connected times, personal resilience is a muscle worth exercising.