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Before 'Groundhog Day': The Time-Loop Novel that Started It All
On March 4th, the Ringer, a website that covers pop culture, featured an article entitled “We’re in a Time Loop of Time-Loop Movies.” Similar articles have appeared in many other pop-culture venues of late. Suddenly, time-loop stories seem to be everywhere. This month Hulu began streaming director Joe Carnahan’
The Campaign of Lies Against Journalist Jesse Singal—And Why It Matters
One of the odd-seeming aspects of progressive cancel culture is that many of the figures targeted by mobs aren’t especially conservative in their views.
Standing on the Shoulders of Ogres
The aim of antenatal screening is to discourage the birth of people with severe disabilities.
Britain's Academic Free Speech Bill
Interference by external actors comprises any attempt by those outside the academy to encroach upon the free speech rights of university members.
Science Goes Rogue
Science as a discipline is supposed to be based on empirical evidence.
Leaving Portland
Leaving was a relief but also a loss. There’s plenty to love about Portland.
The Threat to Academic Freedom: From Anecdotes to Data
The moral community is now self-reproducing. It is also self-radicalising.
Replacing One Kind of ‘Conversion Therapy’ With Another
In many cases, therapists will disagree on the cause, as will the patient himself or herself.
The Problem With Linking Censorship to Incitement
In any case, I do not share the view that to restrict speech necessarily diminishes the spread of ideas.
The New Age of Empire—A Review
Andrews believes none of this. He is right in seeing that the United States is now the world’s foremost imperial nation—it dominated most of the 20th century, assuming the white man’s burden from the British and the French.
The End of Pestilence
The COVID-19 vaccine development experience shows it is possible to produce safe and effective vaccines much faster than previously thought.
Bunker Boy: Preparing for Apocalypse Since 1979
The film gave me nightmares and panic attacks. I did what I could with such difficult information.
With Theatres Shuttered, I Tried to Stage a 'Zoom Play.' (It Didn't Work)
I once directed a classical musical—Anything Goes—at Canada’s Shaw Festival. But that’s the only play I’ve directed that was seen by a large audience.
I Retired First
Our brains are driven to seek calmness as we age.