How Will Decolonizing the Curriculum Help the Poor and Dispossessed?
The path to progress is definitely not paved by destroying the epistemological framework bequeathed to us by the Enlightenment.
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The path to progress is definitely not paved by destroying the epistemological framework bequeathed to us by the Enlightenment.
The politicization and generation of narratives surrounding the coronavirus (and ensuing governmental responses) funneled information flow into partitions based on political affiliation.
The ranks of this new ruling class are refreshed by immigrant academics who come to understand themselves in the way progressivism understands them: as minorities who can also act victim-like if they want—a precious endowment in the cultural academic market.
The pursuit of material immortality, even if material immortality cannot be realized, is the most reasonable long-term course of civilization; it’s thus the busywork of humanity.
Social democracy was a product of the inequities of the industrial era and the consequent solidarity that flourished among working people. This often resulted in greater justice for racial minorities.
This isn’t to say that all causes of transgenderism are exogenous: the presence of neuro-atypical cognition comes up over and over, as does the sons’ process of discovering (or rejecting) their sexuality.
But it is sad to see established facts now suppressed along with undesirable beliefs and opinions. And to see our institutions of higher learning being led to this kind of neo-obscurantism in the name of enlightened social attitudes.
The basic fact that famous experts are often wrong is not itself in dispute—but is worth reviewing.
The rule “Do Not Hide Unwanted Things in the Fog” urges us not to ignore negative emotions such as anxiety, pain, and fear.
The first type, termed the “central” route, comes from careful and thoughtful consideration of the messages we hear.
Many of the young men in question have, in moments of candour, hinted that their motivations for transition are unrelated to actual gender dysphoria.
There wasn’t a key single moment, but there were a series of events if you like, which occurred in the first decade of this century.
Two hours to the west of Montreal, the University of Ottawa is now in the midst of its own racism-free anti-racism social panic.
Africa has not been affected on anything like the scale of most countries in Asia, Europe, and North and South America.
In the north, the Maritime Archaic gave way to Pre-Dorset Palaeoeskimos (as they are known in the literature) that had recently arrived from Siberia.