The Problem with Lived Experience
Some lived experiences are selected and elevated over others.
A collection of 13 posts
Some lived experiences are selected and elevated over others.
They are only tasked with getting to know a child and explaining what is in that child’s best interests.
Facing Reality attempts to force into view data that many Americans would rather not acknowledge.
Perhaps if black conservatives offered a more nuanced “vision” of the respective roles of individuals and governments in addressing racial inequality, the black community would be less receptive to the anti-racist narrative that conservatives so vehemently denounce.
The lack of conservative leadership on this issue is perhaps most keenly felt on the economic side of things, since the cannabis industry creates opportunities for small businesses and domestic manufacturing.
Most critics have instead based their criticism on the demonstrably false accusation that the report “denied the existence of institutional racism in the UK.”
The money offered by benevolent citizens and the abundance of cheap drugs act as a magnet for the area.
Education was not equal in 1930 for blacks and whites, nor in 1950, nor in 1970 for that matter.
It is not only the state’s consent decree that is pushing it to reduce foster care numbers significantly
I support helping the homeless—but with meaningful measures that have been proven to work, as opposed to policy that’s heavy on virtue signaling and ultimately short on humanitarian substance.
India’s reticular caste system poses unique problems. Legions of ethnic groups seek categorization as “backwards classes.”
The complaints of structural racism and a desire to abolish foster care will sound familiar to anyone who has been listening to the recent debate about policing.
“This book will probably strike many readers as the work of an ill-tempered and mean-spirited fellow,” Banfield explained, “but facts are facts, however, unpleasant, and they have to be faced unblinkingly by anyone who really wants to improve matters in the cities.”