Happiness and Academic Malpractice
Dolan writes very clearly—an unusual attribute for an academic—and brings a fresh approach to the study of happiness.
A collection of 105 posts
Dolan writes very clearly—an unusual attribute for an academic—and brings a fresh approach to the study of happiness.
They threaten the businesses and livelihoods and professional reputations of good people struggling to navigate a dense web of ideological trip-wires.
Some might claim that electric power is far more of a necessity that social media access.
The behavior on display in that video didn’t originate in a place of reason, but rather the realm of spiritual passions.
If we are to realize Zuckerberg´s idea of an internet that is “safe” from “harmful” content, we will have to choose which groups get to enjoy a digital safe space.
This will make the internet a much less free place to speak compared to Speakers’ Corner at Hyde Park—the place which is supposed to represent Britain’s commitment to free speech.
Twitter is violating its own stated rules, and it is doing so as a means to target specific individuals for ideological reasons.
People on social media hurried to declare that they would never again spend a penny at Ristretto and were rewarded with approval from like-minded peers.
Harassment and the advocacy of violence are serious issues, and there is nothing morally objectionable about social media companies.
The Legacy social networks have betrayed the trust of their users to such extent that their brands are essentially unsalvageable.
This sort of freedom leads to a freer and safer world. At Gab, we will never compromise on our commitment to protect freedom of speech for everyone.
The evolution of our content policy not only risked the core of Facebook’s mission, but jeopardized my own alignment with the company.
These data are consistent with Amnesty’s findings, where nearly 9 percent of Twitter mentions toward black women were problematic.
A small group of journalists have falsely smeared the world's top YouTuber as a Nazi sympathizer.
In this age of omnipresent social media, our greatest challenge may be figuring out how to take advantage of the benefits of the technology that can connect us to each other without suffering serious social costs.