Are We Dating the Same Guy?
Women create whisper networks to keep themselves safe from antisocial male behaviour. But unfortunately, such networks can be highjacked by our antisocial female peers.
A collection of 7 posts
Women create whisper networks to keep themselves safe from antisocial male behaviour. But unfortunately, such networks can be highjacked by our antisocial female peers.
In 2020, a Canadian university tore up its psychology department in search of a non-existent network of sexual predators. Documents obtained by Quillette reveal how administrators allowed it to happen.
If Reade’s claims really do sink Biden in November, the Democrats will merely be reaping what their moral panic has sowed.
Much of the criticism of the regulations centers around the requirement for cross-examination, which the critics believe will deter victims from coming forward.
In my pre-feminist days, sexual harassment and rape were so common, so pervasive, so accepted, that they were virtually invisible.
This increases the likelihood that individuals who cross the line by discussing sex differences will be warned not to repeat the behavior and will probably be okay as long as they comply.
Sexist comments and “ambient harassment” are, by their very nature, more ambiguous than a boss’s groping or demands for sexual favours.