Are Liberal Democracies 'Rape Cultures'?
The rape culture is much like the poor sanitation conditions which led to typhoid—it provides an environment in which acts of rape are fostered.
A collection of 127 posts
The rape culture is much like the poor sanitation conditions which led to typhoid—it provides an environment in which acts of rape are fostered.
For those who believe that gender is a social construct, and there are no differences between men and women’s brains, this paper is something of a reality check.
It’s difficult to say if it was really created to advance the rights of these people, or if it was simply cobbled together on some sort of whim.
Both revered and despised for the image of humanity she presented to the world, and for her conclusions about the Samoan people, in particular.
Critical thinking is not hate; it builds understanding and establishes foundations that are robust and can protect trans people without compromising the rights of women.
“Rape is not about sexual orientation or sexual desire. It is an act of power and control in which the victim is brutalized and humiliated.”
Blockchain technology also has the potential to be used for smart contracts. Smart contracts provide an automatically enforceable way for buyers and sellers to negotiate a contract.
On a topic of particular pertinence to our own cultural moment, Billy Wilder’s 1960 classic is a fascinating artefact well worth revisiting.
An assumption of personal responsibility is the sine qua non of independence and autonomy in a free society.
If our common goal is to encourage reciprocal respect for other individuals, in spite of average differences in group proclivities.
At its best, commentary on the science of sex differences has been about method and about evidence, and the knowledge that, with care, these can produce.
What will it take for this contagion to be seen for what it is, so that its most damaging effects can be prevented?
Within the lens of Western culture, it is sex and not money that is the primary root of all evil.
In fact—it’s even more interesting than that. Multiple matings do (perhaps surprisingly) benefit females in all sorts of ways across all sort of species.
Notwithstanding the ever-expanding reach of Darwinism away from sexuality, the exploration of the evolutionary roots of human sexual behavior is not yet complete.