The Confessions of a Male, Feminist Sex Addict
Started as a bit of a dare. We egged each other on to visit Rosse Buurt (the red-light district) late at night, after the adults had gone to bed and we’d smoked.
A collection of 127 posts
Started as a bit of a dare. We egged each other on to visit Rosse Buurt (the red-light district) late at night, after the adults had gone to bed and we’d smoked.
Trans radicalism is not a war against feminism.
Are we venturing into dragon territory with the transitional therapies increasingly made available to transgender youth?
Everyone found themselves feeling empty and longing for their other half, be it the woman you were attached to or the man you were attached to.
As a parent of an ROGD teen, it has been so disheartening to see so few mainstream sources publishing balanced views on this topic. We have glowing “protransition” pieces in the left-wing press, and (often) angry, and even anti-trans pieces in the right-wing or religious press. These articles are just
Nowadays, every left-leaning parent and educator seems content to take a child’s word at face value if they say they were born in the wrong body, not realizing that by doing so, an important conversation is being brushed aside.
Some of the enjoyments of sex have to do with a reflective enjoyment of the experience.
Girls are taught that sex without love is a meaningless experience, boys that, as meaningless experiences go, it’s a pretty damn good one.
#MeToo demands that all women must be believed — except where their stories upset the prevailing narrative.
What is the appropriate punishment for such verbal behavior? Reduction in salary? Firing? Firing plus blacklisting? Or, something else?
Boycotts, de-platforming and witch hunts do “succeed” in the narrow sense that they can ruin lives. But they don’t change anyone’s privately held opinions.
Gatekeeping is not about saying “yes” or “no” straight-up.
A third problem with the belief that parental rejection is the norm is that it makes for bad policy.
The movement that has popularized the term ‘toxic masculinity’ shares tools and conclusions with those who see signs of ‘white supremacy’ everywhere they look.
“Why would humans all around the world invent a rule that’s so difficult to follow, and treat breaking as such an enormous betrayal?”