Stonewall's LGBT Guidance is Limiting the Free Speech of Gender Critical Academics
But that’s the thing about freedom of speech: you tend not to notice it being curtailed until it’s your speech that’s being restricted.
A collection of 127 posts
But that’s the thing about freedom of speech: you tend not to notice it being curtailed until it’s your speech that’s being restricted.
Men have been dying at higher rates than women over time, and the gap appears to be constant.
The irony is that what we often consider the most boring, the most quotidian, the most comically old-fashioned, and unremarkably ordinary way to have sex with another is also the way we encounter our deepest selves because we transcend ourselves to find union with another.
Masturbation is a unique form of sex. It was frowned upon in some eras, tolerated in others, and celebrated in none.
Reading this collection is recommended—because, while feminists still generally keep Dworkin at arm’s length, the modern movement contains far more of her than they care to admit.
Speaking as someone with breasts, I can say with confidence that naked yoga is not a class designed for women. It is a class for men to pay a premium to ogle at a naked female instructor.
The meme’s-eye view says that memes are selected to the extent that they have effects on the people who encounter them that keep the memes alive in the culture: tunes that get stuck in our heads, for instance, or ideas that motivate us to talk about them, spread them, or impose them on other people.
There are biological reasons that explain why the experience of being in love feels so overwhelming.
Given the rapidly changing gamer demographic, it was perhaps inevitable that games would eventually come in for criticism for under-representing playable female characters, and for presenting them as hyper-sexualized images when they were available.
The main problem with sex eliminationism is that, in a nutshell, it leaves us with no adequate language to describe a politically important feature of material reality.
There is little evidence to justify why the provider role has been held in such low regard.
“What is a woman?” What should be an easy question for a movement organized around the rights of women, has instead become a real brain-buster.
The future of Western civilization may need brave new institutions and brave new ways for men and women to fruitfully relate to each other.
We can acknowledge that male and female brains have differences in structure and function, on average, without subscribing to the belief that one sex is better than the other.
Women’s publications have tried to convince women they can be just like men, instead of celebrating femininity and what makes women wonderfully unique.