The Great Divergence
Many psychological and behavioural gaps between men and women have widened in more gender-equal countries, dealing a major blow to sociological theories of sex differences.
A collection of 23 posts
Many psychological and behavioural gaps between men and women have widened in more gender-equal countries, dealing a major blow to sociological theories of sex differences.
Remembering Don Symons (1942–2024).
Women-only spaces are valuable, and we should prevent biological males from accessing them, whatever their stated gender identity.
The boxing debacle in Paris has cast an embarrassing spotlight on the IOC’s willingness to embrace nonsensical gender theory.
There are at least three things that people might mean by ‘socially constructed’: that something is social, rather than natural; contextual, rather than universal; or that its importance has been inflated.
An examination of 18 supposedly ‘trans animals’ disproves activist claims that we all live on a non-binary gender ‘spectrum.’
FIDE’s new policy governing who can compete in women’s categories highlights the persistent sex imbalance at the game’s elite levels.
Men’s and women’s brains are biased to notice and process different aspects of the social and physical world.
To suggest that a spirited discussion of the importance of sex and gender in archeology threatens “scientific integrity” is to misunderstand the nature of science.
Since the dawn of our species, the evolution of two distinct sexes has been fundamental to human reproduction. There is no such thing as a ‘sex spectrum.’
A frightening injury at an NHL-sponsored transgender tournament in Wisconsin reminds us why women’s leagues should remain sex-protected spaces.
The inclusion of women in higher education is a great achievement for Western liberal societies. How is this changing academic culture?
Boys and girls are not infinitely malleable, socially constructed products of the patriarchy.
Female orgasms themselves could, once again, be roughly divided into being located either deep inside or comparatively on the surface.
Men have been dying at higher rates than women over time, and the gap appears to be constant.