A collection of 89 posts
Flag-Shaming in Response to Terrorism
Reflexive expressions of solidarity signify an internalized Western understanding that life is precious and not cheap.
The Regressive Left and Its Word Games
When government officials and legislators omit any mention of Islamism as an antecedent to violence, they are inoculating dangerous ideas from the searing eye of rational criticism.
Free Speech and Islam — In Defense of Sam Harris
If you discount Islamic doctrine as the motivation for domestic violence and intolerance of sexual minorities in the Muslim world, you’re left with at least one implicitly bigoted assumption.
Why Charlie Hebdo Was Right to Address the Brussels Attacks
Charlie Hebdo is suggesting that once individuals change their ways as a product of fear, they go down the road of sanctioning demands which impinge on other people’s rights.
Ferguson Effect Detractors Are Wrong
The violence surge continued into fall. Homicides in Baltimore reached their highest per capita rate in the city’s history.
What Does Science Tell Us About the So-Called Ferguson Effect?
A substantial segment of the American public is questioning the legitimacy of police actions, including the use of force. This attention is a Ferguson effect in itself.
Tutors and Examiners of the Mind: German Media and the Migrant Crisis
In the wake of the Cologne crisis (as we can now rightly call it — again, without exaggeration) many worrying trends in German society came to light.
After Cologne, Feminism is Dead
After Cologne, feminism is dead. Europe must now focus on the more important issue of women’s rights.
Inaction is an Active Choice
A large section of the critics of intervention today are making similar assumptions in both the moral and practical assessments of the choices before us.
The Next War Will Be an Information War, and We're Not Ready For It
Information warfare combines electronic warfare, cyberwarfare and psy-ops (psychological operations) into a single fighting organisation, and this will be central to all warfare in the future.
To Defeat Jihadism, the Battle Over Sacred Values Must Be Won
If traditional warfare is one of the culprits of increasing radicalization, then such an approach is the only viable one.
Paris Aftermath: Conflating Daesh with Refugees won't Stop Terror
As political positions have crystallised in the week following the attacks, there is increasing conflation of these three elements within the debate.
What Next After Paris?
Much has been said about the attacks that does not require repeating. Yet it is worth bearing out that the Paris attacks may indeed be an inflection point in this century’s history.