Interrogating Jane
In fact, the single most common technique for insisting that Austen is anti-slavery is for the critic to draw an equivalence between slavery and her depiction of social class, or her portrayal of the status of women.
A collection of 152 posts
In fact, the single most common technique for insisting that Austen is anti-slavery is for the critic to draw an equivalence between slavery and her depiction of social class, or her portrayal of the status of women.
The essence of AI is not white oppression, racism, sexism, and colonialism, it is the automation of mathematics and logic.
Long COVID is just the latest example of the sort of idea that will become popular among this generation—and it certainly won’t be the last.
The path to progress is definitely not paved by destroying the epistemological framework bequeathed to us by the Enlightenment.
Africa has not been affected on anything like the scale of most countries in Asia, Europe, and North and South America.
In the north, the Maritime Archaic gave way to Pre-Dorset Palaeoeskimos (as they are known in the literature) that had recently arrived from Siberia.
The underlying assumption of The Immortality Key is that the human need to reconcile itself with death is a core element of religion.
One of the odd-seeming aspects of progressive cancel culture is that many of the figures targeted by mobs aren’t especially conservative in their views.
The aim of antenatal screening is to discourage the birth of people with severe disabilities.
The Declaration states that achieving herd immunity for COVID-19 can be assisted by vaccines, “but is not dependent” on their use.
As recent studies have shown, these advantages generally don’t go away simply because an athlete has changed their pronouns and hormone chemistry. At the highest levels, the difference between male and female world records typically hovers around 10 percent.
The smileys are not bad people. They are not necessarily unintelligent people. They are unhappy people wearing a mask of happiness, confused and beaten and searching for an easy answer.
The only examples of ready mergers in humans bring to mind the captive chimps or fugitive monkeys.
The scholars at Our World in Data add that this also holds for other natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcano activity, wildfire, and landslides.
The time to begin planning our response, and designing systems to give humanity a fighting chance, is now.