The Unbearable Asymmetry of Bullshit
There will always be things that we haven’t figured out yet, and even some that we get wrong.” But science is not just about conclusions, he argues, which are occasionally (or even frequently) incorrect.
A collection of 152 posts
There will always be things that we haven’t figured out yet, and even some that we get wrong.” But science is not just about conclusions, he argues, which are occasionally (or even frequently) incorrect.
This was the vision of tropical deforestation held in the popular imagination for many years, but the reality is more complex – and more hopeful.
“Begin at the beginning,’ the King said, very gravely, ‘and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”
Gossip can actually be thought of not as a character flaw, but as a highly evolved social skill.
Non-additive effects don’t breed true with the same degree of fidelity—in fact these effects bust up the clean transmission of traits from parents to children (to use a sports analogy, it’s a bit like a cornerback in football deflecting the quarterback’s perfect spiral aimed at the receiver).
Practically no one these days will fight you on the idea that genes and environments interact (GxE), and it is in these interactions, perhaps, that we can discover if parenting truly does impact children.
What are the psychological differences between women and men? What causes these differences, and are they shrinking over time? The dominant view – held by most scholars and policymakers – is that sex differences are slight and can be rather easily altered. Whether this view is true or not has implications for
Studying the accuracy of stereotypes is risky business. For many, investigation into stereotypes is tantamount to endorsing bigotry.
Because democracy reflects the will of the majority, extremists will never win a fair election.
The GI theory goes that there are many different types of carbs and they can be graded into how rapidly the body converts them into glucose.
Information warfare combines electronic warfare, cyberwarfare and psy-ops (psychological operations) into a single fighting organisation, and this will be central to all warfare in the future.
Tetlock recruited 284 pundits and had them make 82,000 individual predictions from 1983 to 2003.
Biosocial criminologists endure reputational attacks often. The field of criminology is not an especially cordial place to work.
It implies the effortlessness in which a fragment of a song, arriving in the inner ear without conscious effort, can continually loop and stick around.
Going into STEM does not define a woman's worth.