Sage of Sex and Psyche
Remembering Don Symons (1942–2024).
A collection of 152 posts
Remembering Don Symons (1942–2024).
Climate change makes fires more dangerous. Government competence matters. And preventing catastrophic fires requires expensive, unpopular measures.
It’s very hard to extinguish a fire under these conditions.
A landmark report properly emphasises the application of science, not slogans, in establishing treatment protocols for trans-identified children.
We have lost an important scientist; we have also lost a wonderful man.
In the modern world, it is easy to forget our connection to celestial objects and how important that connection has been throughout human history.
The Extraordinary Life and Work of Frans de Waal
The accepted view is that the scientists of the European Enlightenment got the issue of race badly wrong. In fact, some of them got more right than they are usually given credit for.
This will mark out the university as a place to avoid if you’re hoping for a serious education.
Human beings need meaning, and a life in which all one’s needs were met by external agents would fail to provide it.
The Voyage of the Beagle is a literary masterpiece, as well as a scientific one.
Men are disappearing from science and academia. The public perception is, however, exactly the opposite.
By demanding that morality tests be imposed on scientific journal authorship, Geoff Marcy’s critics are creating a dangerous precedent.
Not so long ago, he taught us, there were at least three distinct hominin lineages roaming large parts of the planet.
Around 1987, Sagan gave an uncannily prescient lecture to the Illinois state chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.