The Case Against Lockdown: A Reply to Christopher Snowdon
No doubt the pandemic would have had a negative impact on the global economy ceteris paribus, but it has surely been exacerbated by the lockdowns.
A collection of 19 posts
No doubt the pandemic would have had a negative impact on the global economy ceteris paribus, but it has surely been exacerbated by the lockdowns.
Issues of happiness and conformity notwithstanding, one might still wonder about the affirmative case for elite colleges, especially when considering the effort it takes to gain admittance to one.
Humeniuk’s essay lends implicit support to the notion that a Palestinian state will be modern, open, and peaceful, if not positively progressive, and not the bastion of fanaticism that exists in Israelis’ fearful imagination.
Careless in his facts, Coyne is also careless in his references.
The unambiguous conclusion seems to be that people are better off believing in either libertarian free will (which grants us complete agency) or the intuitive compatibilism (which grants us compromised agency) that they tend to favour.
Immigration restrictions, like tariffs and other restrictions on trade, affect the activities of citizens above all.
Here, then, we have a secular ethics connected not to 'nothing,' but to a preference for justice, fairness, and impartiality.
We’re not going to return to a worldview that acts as if society is identity-blind.
I wasn’t saying that secular humanism is a religion. I was saying that in those aspects of religion which actually affect and seek to guide human behavior, secular humanism does not differ from religion.
Hossenfelder—who believes women in science are still held back by sexist cultural biases but also opposes preferential treatment as a shortcut to equality—is a welcome exception.
In the 2017 Act, Parliament simply gave permission to the Government to make the notification under Article 50, and negotiate a Withdrawal Agreement.
S&D argue that market economies will fix all negative side-effects of technological development spontaneously because of the commercial value of the effluents.
Pessimists see the goal of human activity as minimizing human impacts; optimists understand the goal of human activity to be maximizing human flourishing.
My description of the Islamic veil as a strategic tool in the struggle for control of the public space causes Cohen great indignation.
They offered many reasons why the person should not be trusted or liked, but failed to offer reasons why the person was wrong.