Scientology’s War on Psychiatry
What caused L. Ron Hubbard to turn on a discipline he had once accepted?
A collection of 121 posts
What caused L. Ron Hubbard to turn on a discipline he had once accepted?
Islamists used a religious lie to crush Mahsa Amini, but women can win this war.
The idea of an Australian republic is attractive to some, but there's a strong case for a humble head of state.
For centuries, the orthodox Muslim view has been that those who insult Muhammad must be summarily killed.
Too often, the noble goal of reconciliation is being co-opted by those seeking to invent fake histories and advance politicized narratives.
As the Holy Roman Empire descended into religious conflicts, its Habsburg ruler surrounded himself with magicians, astrologers, and scryers.
The Pope is a perverse sort of pacifist, not a man of peace.
The Cārvākas considered only matter—that which could be sensed—to be real.
There is no firmly established technical term for the Bible in Judaism. The Hebrew scriptures may simply be referred to as “the Bible,” and the term “Jewish Bible” is sometimes used to distinguish it from the Christian Bible. In Hebrew, terms such as miqra (“scripture”) or kitve haqqodesh (“sacred texts”
Education was divided along confessional lines into Catholic and Protestant school systems; for these purposes, Jews were designated Protestant.
As many have pointed out, the radical progressive version of social justice has all the hallmarks of a religion.
A further irony is that while Khan presses ahead with entrenching Islam in every nook and cranny of the polity and society, other Muslim-majority countries, including Saudi Arabia, are toning down the hard-line version of Islam that they have long promulgated.
Of those surveyed for the IPV report, 17 percent of self-described Anglicans said they’d experienced IPV in the last 12 months, as compared to 18 percent for the general population.
The radicals, always livid, always demanding more, insist that all this is window dressing. A sham.
I grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland, in a fundamentalist Christian community called The Lamb of God. What began in the mid-1970s as a small group of born-again hippies who played music, prayed together, and proselytized to whoever would listen about Jesus’s unconditional love and mercy, descended