Workers vs. Wokeness at Smith College: Campus Social Justice as a Luxury Good
For poor black people who live genuinely marginalized lives, and who will never set foot on a campus like Oberlin, racism is a real evil that affects their lives.
A collection of 47 posts
For poor black people who live genuinely marginalized lives, and who will never set foot on a campus like Oberlin, racism is a real evil that affects their lives.
I'm still not immune to violent political fantasies, especially when I become angry at scenes of Left-wing protests in Portland, Seattle, and other cities.
And it turns out that she was, because despite the best efforts of her critics, she hasn’t yet been truly cancelled.
Many Western leftists repeated the Ayatollahs’ talking points.
Blumenthal’s politics are morally repellent and intellectually dishonest and should be exposed as such.
Isn’t this a debate worth having without an avalanche of bad faith and scornful remarks about how we “can’t even trust Bill Gates to put his desire for a better world above his self-preservational plute drive”?
It’s easy to join a Twitter mob. You take zero risk if the takedown doesn’t work, but you pretend you’re Rosa Parks if it does.
Essays attacking the left- or right-wing bias of this or that media outlet are, of course, old hat in my business.
Not only is no-one allowed to change for the better anymore, no one is even allowed to be understood, much less forgiven.
Today, it has become central to the worldview of many on the social justice Left.
We call on public authorities, heads of cultural, academic, scientific, and research institutions, but also the judiciary, to pull themselves together.
While the culture-war skirmish over transgenderism typically is treated as a debate about culture or sociology, it is also a debate about the primacy of science.
Venezuelans have been voting with their feet to escape the ruin the regime has inflicted on them.
Suspicious reading is applied to any and every medium as well as every form of individual expression.
Amazingly, even as Cambodia disintegrated, the Khmer Rouge benefitted from unsolicited apologetics from intellectuals at the West’s august universities.