What the Left Keeps Getting Wrong About Ukraine
Vapid bromides about peace and negotiation are no substitute for policy and a frank acknowledgement of Russia’s responsibility for the conflict.
A collection of 47 posts
Vapid bromides about peace and negotiation are no substitute for policy and a frank acknowledgement of Russia’s responsibility for the conflict.
Activists have discovered that the best form of defence is attack.
The campaign to label Canada a genocide state isn’t an isolated phenomenon, but is playing out as part of a larger effort to destroy any publicly displayed symbol of national pride.
Detransitioners and desisters can also feel angry at psychiatric and medical specialists, who they understandably believe have not adequately assessed their motivations for requesting medical intervention.
Our choice of words affects the way we think. That’s why we spend so much time fighting over which terms to use, whether it’s “undocumented immigrants” versus “illegal aliens,” “foetuses” versus “unborn babies,” or “militants” versus “terrorists.” In recent years, the question of word choice has figured prominently
I grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland, in a fundamentalist Christian community called The Lamb of God. What began in the mid-1970s as a small group of born-again hippies who played music, prayed together, and proselytized to whoever would listen about Jesus’s unconditional love and mercy, descended
The white Jewish leaders who attended were told in advance that they were expected to come and listen—to be seen and not heard.
Once you sweep aside all the glitter showers, animated unicorns, and rainbow emojis, that is ultimately what gender supremacism is truly about.
If you’re willing to endure the painful trial of self, you will be better for it in the end. And, with enough of us, the world will be better, too.
The recent spike in trans self-identification has made things even more difficult for these parents, because gender-related body dysmorphia often appears alongside other kinds of physically focused anxieties.
Though the population is largely white, Squamish has steadily become more diverse in recent years, and now boasts a thriving Sikh community.
In the debate about transitioning children who experience gender dysphoria, Ms. Bell’s case represents an important turning point.
The disrupters rely on rhetorical devices such as replacing the passive “under-represented” with the active “marginalized,” “erased,” and “excluded.”
We are living in a time where the old models are changing, where the access to new styles and ideas is greater than ever.
What’s worse, anyone who points out the nonsensical and performative aspects of these presidential letters will be gaslit for his troubles—this, in a supposed citadel of logic and learning.