Against Research Ethics Committees
The guidelines ethics committees follow present themselves as universal rules derived from reason.
A collection of 485 posts
The guidelines ethics committees follow present themselves as universal rules derived from reason.
The U.S. abortion debate has raged for generations, and remains divisive to this day.
China’s ability to make America’s biggest companies dance to its tune exposes woke capitalism as the sanctimonious scam that it is.
Every year in the US, nearly 2 million students enroll in one of the nearly 4,300 degree-granting colleges and universities.
Most setups that might appear to be non-hierarchical are actually deeply hierarchical.
Tokarczuk is a passionate proponent of tolerance, feminism and European unity.
The theory that science is based on evidence derives from a philosophy known as empiricism.
Workers are instead selected by their educational credentials, even when a degree is unnecessary
In recent days, the Liberals escalated their campaign against Lawton, by seeking not only to block him from covering the Liberal campaign, but also seeking to deny him accreditation to cover the National Leader’s Debates.
Feminist research into sex differences has typically concluded that the number of sex differences is small, and therefore unimportant, thus making the logical error that a small number of differences means those differences are inconsequential.
In its effort to protect its students from potentially awkward social interactions, the university is arrogating adult decision-making to the institution.
It certainly sounds bad (“exclusion” being a modern secular sin), for it suggests that so-called TERFs want trans people excluded from health care, or from jobs or homes, or from society as a whole—or even from life itself.
Sensitivity readers are typically sought by authors writing about some marginalized group—a culture to which they don’t personally belong, or a community about which they don’t feel they have complete expertise, and about which they want to be warned of any overlooked biases or stereotypes.
Sometimes, it seemed like the world was against me. But when I did finally get the chance to read all those carefully kept files, my overwhelming impression was that they—the social workers, guardian ad litems, judges, teachers and volunteers—were trying their best.