A collection of 485 posts
Anxiety About Immigration is a Global Issue
It is time we started discussing global immigration in a more grown up way in the hope of coming up with a sustainable solution, rather than assuming the worst of each other and resorting to name-calling and selective moral outrage.
The Avant-Garde's Slide into Irrelevance
The foundations of the avant-garde were built upon the opposition of true and fake art.
The Uncharted Territories of Medically Transitioning Children
Are we venturing into dragon territory with the transitional therapies increasingly made available to transgender youth?
Between Discipline and Chaos
No human institution can ever secure a definitive interpretation of goodness, and it is usually the ones that claim to have done so that betray their own purpose.
Younger Women Are More Left-Wing Than Men, While Older Women Are More Right-Wing Than Men
Younger women are the most left wing in their voting habits and older women the most right wing when we compared voters by age and gender.
From Astrology to Cult Politics—the Many Ways We Try (and Fail) to Replace Religion
Implicit in the blank-slate take on religion is the idea that religious faith may be diminished simply by changing the type of cultural inputs people receive.
Population and Policy—A Rejoinder to Szurmak and Desrochers
S&D argue that market economies will fix all negative side-effects of technological development spontaneously because of the commercial value of the effluents.
Solzhenitsyn: The Fall of a Prophet
In exile, Solzhenitsyn turned to harsh criticism of the West, not just for failing to stand up to the Soviet regime and fully confront its malevolence.
In Defense of Male Stoicism
Endless articles and innumerable campaigns have been devoted to helping men cry, ending the phrase “man up” and, above all, getting men to talk.
Feminism's Dependency Trap
Unintended and painful irony of recent feminism’s preoccupation with overcoming male oppression has been to place men at the centre of female identity.
The Children of the Revolution
Mao Zedong activated China’s youth—unblemished and uncorrupted in heart and mind—to lead the struggle for purity.
Confessions of a ‘Soulless Troglodyte’: How My Brooklyn Literary Friendships Fell Apart in the Age of Trump
For a time, this urban menagerie dictated my new sense of who I wanted to be. I didn’t ask questions. It was too dazzling to stain with doubts.
Aristophanes’ Orphans: A Disabled Trans Woman Surveys the Grey Zone Between Love and Fetish
Everyone found themselves feeling empty and longing for their other half, be it the woman you were attached to or the man you were attached to.
The Pitfalls of Too Much Security
Yet, there is reason for concern that this progress could be endangered if Jews overreact to the attack in Pittsburgh.