A collection of 485 posts
Twitter's Micro-Slavery
The inherent instability of slavery, fear, and dependence necessitate a collapse and reckoning eventually.
The Rise of the Ungovernables
Why is this happening now? The usual response is to blame it all on the politicians.
The Aziz Ansari Paradox
The Aziz Ansari paradox hurts the feminist movement, and therefore also hurts vulnerable women and girls.
The Problem with the Effective Altruism Campaign
This critique by no means denounces meliorism, the belief that the world can be made better by human effort.
Why the American Left Should Embrace Effective Altruism over Provincial Populism
Principle of impartiality, universalizability, equality, or whatever, we cannot discriminate against someone merely because he is far away from us.
Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet
Dealing with energy sources that are inherently unreliable, and require large amounts of land, comes at a high economic cost.
Confronting a New Threat to Female Athletics
The movement for trans inclusion now begins in youth sports, where many leagues have no restrictions beyond self-identification.
Want to Change the World? First, You Have to Listen to It
In rhyming this off, we’re “raising awareness” about the collective action that good citizens can take in the face of a repellant ideology.
How I was Kicked Out of the Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting
We must stand up to those who have no interest in the discipline of Classics or its survival—who even seek its destruction.
Why I'm Suing Twitter
Twitter is violating its own stated rules, and it is doing so as a means to target specific individuals for ideological reasons.
The Value of Exercising Civility—in Both Oikos and Polis
A willingness to listen requires us to first recognize that our shared humanity means that we have more in common than that which divides us.
The Narcissistic Fracturing of LGBT Literature
The world of the left generally, and of LGBT identity politics specifically, wasn’t always focused on infinite fragmentation within sects.
We Must Defend Free Thought
Scientific and technological progress cannot happen without people thinking freely—so to clamp down on it is to clamp down on progress itself.
We Can Put an End to State Bidding Wars
Amazon would still have paid tax revenue, and, more likely than not, other tech startups would have followed, growing the taxable population even further.