A collection of 485 posts
How Intersectionalism Betrays the World’s Muslim Women
The progress of Muslim reformers, dissidents and apostates is hindered by leftists that use cultural relativism as a basis for their activism.
Like the Campus Thought Police
The hate against Hect sends a chilling message throughout my campus. Imagine you are a Smith student who supports Trump, his wall, or gun rights. How comfortable would you now be speaking up in class?
Sexualization in Gaming: Advocacy and Over-Correction
Given the rapidly changing gamer demographic, it was perhaps inevitable that games would eventually come in for criticism for under-representing playable female characters, and for presenting them as hyper-sexualized images when they were available.
Caricaturing the Left Doesn’t Benefit the Intellectual Dark Web
The danger for the IDW members is to think that they’re ideology-free while holding to a very distinct classical liberal ideology, and rationalising that apparent contradiction by convincing themselves that the left, which has largely moved on from classical liberalism, has simply gone crazy.
What I Saw at Middlebury College
Putting aside the ideological and political attitudes at play, there is a social component as well: Never in my life have I witnessed so many arrogant, needy, spoiled brats on parade.
She Did Not Go Gently
The placebo effect is real. It’s measurable. It’s why we have placebo trials in medical research—because the hope buried inside that sugar pill has a measurable medical benefit. Hope is literally medicine, and it’s powerful stuff.
‘Jared’ and ‘Kate’: A False-Allegation #MeToo Saga That Police and Prosecutors Got Right
It’s rare for police to take any action against a woman who claims that she was sexually assaulted, even when there is evidence that she is lying.
Teenage Climate-Change Protestors Have No Idea What They’re Protesting
Our decisions tend to be rooted not in scientific analysis but in emotional reaction; and we tend to see protest not as a tool for social or legislative change, but simply as a chance to upset the status quo.
The Impassable Road to Redemption
Not only is no-one allowed to change for the better anymore, no one is even allowed to be understood, much less forgiven.
Marx Deserves Better Critics
In his opening statement in the debate with Žižek, Peterson said that Marx’s solution to the ills of capitalism was “bloody violent revolution.” That’s not quite right.
The Dearth of Conservatives in Academic Philosophy
Without a healthy mix of a conservative and liberal center, the poles of left and right are much more likely to tilt toward the extremes.
Self-Harm Versus the Greater Good: Greta Thunberg and Child Activism
A workplace strike shows company owners and management that workers are able to harm them economically. A school strike, on the other hand, constitutes a form of self-harm, undertaken to attract adult attention.
Denmark's Blaspheming Mother
Immigration, Islamism and integration are salient issues even in the happiest place on earth.
Timely Return to Battle for a Veteran of the Culture Wars
While Hanson is good in setting out the causes of Trump’s victory, he falls short when it comes to making recommendations for the future.