Knitting's Infinity War, Part III: Showdown at Yarningham
The post brought out the worst of the knitting world’s anti-racism mobs
A collection of 485 posts
The post brought out the worst of the knitting world’s anti-racism mobs
There are many false hopes out there that claim to be treatments and cures.
If members of the back row lack dignity because of their economic condition, they sometimes try to reclaim their dignity
Given the horrifying history of racism in the United States, this was never a far-fetched thesis.
Clearly it is possible to do politics in philosophy without doing political philosophy.
Beech claimed he had been tied up and had his bones broken by Generals and Field Marshals
The same is true of happiness and positivity. They’re not mere feelings. They are behaviors.
The message in Appropriate Terminology, Indigenous Australian People is that the UNSW now regards its core mission—the pursuit of truth—as negotiable if it conflicts with the postures associated with social justice.
What contemporary feminism fails to adequately grapple with is nature itself, and as a result, feminist attitudes towards men, and particularly towards male sexuality, are compassionless and punitive (not to mention humourless—and human sexuality is so often very funny!).
In the months leading up to the news, I was in a bad place. Nothing in life felt right, and every day was a fight against hopelessness—to the point that even when good things happened, I would remain afraid or numb.
The idea that one’s disagreement with Ngo’s point of view disqualifies him from the physical protection granted to other ordinary citizens proved to be quite common in the aftermath of Ngo’s beating.
A few days before the Fourth of July, British comic John Oliver used the pulpit of his US infotainment show, Last Week Tonight, to deliver a lengthy monologue about the depredations of His specific complaint was that Amazon doesn’t treat its employees very well. According to Oliver,
Between July 20, 1969, and December 14, 1972, 12 Americans walked on the moon. Describing the remarkable and inspiring and fascinating how is usually the focus of books and documentaries.
Hate crime now appears as a political crime, an outrage against social justice. There is a good case for saying that actual incidents of genuine hate crime should be seen in this way.
It makes no more sense to believe in a numinous “will” that subverts the laws of physics than to accept a god for which there’s no evidence. Any reforms of society should begin by accepting the unalterable truths of nature.