Quillette's Best on Human Nature
Humans have evolved to empathize with the suffering of others, and to provide assistance so as to eliminate or compensate for that suffering.
A collection of 6 posts
Humans have evolved to empathize with the suffering of others, and to provide assistance so as to eliminate or compensate for that suffering.
If there were a modern day Voltaire, or a 21st century Bertrand Russell, Steven Pinker would be it. So it is a tremendous honour for me to bring you an excerpt of Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters, by the man himself, in this week&
The Hysterical Campus | Heather Mac Donald "Hyperbole is part and parcel of political speech. But I would hope that there are some remaining faculty with enough of a lingering connection to reality who would realize that I and other conservatives are not a literal threat to minority students.” Workers
Dear Reader, Thank you for supporting Quillette with your subscription. By now you have probably noticed our new look—we have a cleaner and simpler website that is faster and easier to navigate (note the search function at the top of the home page). You may have also noticed that
Editor-in-Chief Claire Lehmann talks to Jonathan Kay about how and why she created Quillette, and her plans for its future.
The series begins after the violence of the war to end all wars and ends in a time of strangely familiar contagion and spasmodic collapse.